
Life's a fairytaleThe Princess is the Frog

13. The Princess is the Frog. Iron, Fire and Spider.


And so it seemed, the King’s fears had penetrated the Princess’ iron skin and were looking to settle there.

(Read the previous story of the Princess is the Frog here)

She also had other worries to occupy her brain. The construction of her new Palace was more trouble than she had anticipated and money had never run so low.

It did frighten her. The Princess had always been quite handy with everything material, she knew when to spend money and when to be parsimonious so there were always reserves, but now she was quite penniless she was still wanting of learning how to adapt to absolute frugality.

She tried to remind herself many times a day of how blessed she was, her kingdom was unrealistically enchanting and her responsibilities ever-changing and creative, training and stretching her brain in ways she could not have foreseen.

By and by, she remained un-easy and in not knowing how to shake this dreaded feeling off, slowly became consumed by it.

As she was afraid this may be affecting her health, she fixed herself upon seeing a doctor.

When the dreaded day arrived (as well you should know that the Princess hates doctors) she was met with coldness and refusal from the doctor. For some administrative error had occur which denied her entry and care. The Princess was too shocked and too unused to this sort of treatment to even begin to retort. She walked out dumbfounded and even more frightened.

She told the King of her misfortune and awaited for some understanding and comforting word.

Scarcely anything came from him.

And that is when all hell broke loose.

iron water and fire_effectedFirstly, the iron armour popped open when she resolved in stopping to tiptoe around him. Right there she sent him a first message of how angry she was that he had not been there for her at a time when it was her turn to be scared.

Secondly, the ball of fire was projected out of her when she sent a second reply, finally admitting how she really felt about all his numerous pursuits in acquiring knowledge. She wrote to him that it may all be very well to read and read, look for teachers of different knowledge, but if in the end you only think of yourself and cannot see what surrounds you, then she did not see the point of it at all.

And last but not least, the Frog appeared in the two last letters.

Well, this you know dear reader, that the outcome of the Frog’s appearance is seldom a happy one.

But the Princess did not see that. She only felt the liberation of the King’s fears off of her shoulders. And maybe of her own fears as well. They had been so entwined it was hard to tell whose fear belonged to whom. And clearly the Princess could not make that distinction anymore.

But in this liberation, she felt relieved of all the previous pains.

She, however, had not foreseen the King would understand her two last letters as her way of taking leave of him.

Fall trees_effectedSpider had witnessed the events, and only wished she was not too late. She dropped into the Frog Princess’ ink and here is what she said unto her:

“Spider will eat her mate if she gets too caught up in herself to see the validity of honouring male energy.”

The Frog Princess gave a start. And tried to shake Spider from her quill. Not only did it not work, but instead Spider multiplied and continued her speech: “The warrior at your side is a strong balancing force. You are not honouring either your male or female side by becoming disdainful and superior of your mate.”

There the Frog Princess stopped shaking her quill, felt a prick in her ego, but a prick rightly deserved.

“This type of negative criticism only breaks down relations and is a reflection of something you hate about yourself.”

The Princess looked at her froggish self and could not argue otherwise.

Somewhere in between her relieving herself, she had gone too far and in the blink of an eye, wound up on the other end of the spectrum of her personality.

She thanked Spider and started to work on returning to her Princess self.

To be continued…